We are proud to offer extensive and free community resources on our website. On this page you will find our extensive academic writing on enforcement of the Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, along with timely posts on recent developments in this field. We also offer free trainings to community groups, such as those advocating for survivors of domestic abuse, as well as bar organizations
Request a training
We conduct free webinars for community organizations across the country. Would your organization benefit from a training on I-864 enforcement? We offer free webinars to community groups in all 50 states. In-person trainings can sometimes also be arranged. Groups that may benefit from these trainings include:
Advocates for survivors of domestic abuse.
Shelters serving immigrant populations.
Immigrant rights advocacy groups.
Local bar associations.
Family lawyers.
Our comprehensive articles.
All of our detailed legal articles on the Form I-864 are freely available for download.
This article was the first comprehensive examination of all available U.S. case law on enforcement of the Form I-864, Affidavit of Support. It was published by Bender's Immigration Bulletin.
This article provides an updated comprehensive analysis of I-864 enforcement case law.
This article is the second comprehensive case law update to our original article.
The latest news about the Affidavit of Support.
We publish periodic updates regarding important cases involving enforcement of the Form I-864.
This article is intended for family law attorneys. Published by the American Bar Association, the article explains I-864 enforcement from the perspective of divorce proceedings.